Lillian's 21st birthday! Getting the day started at the UCI Anthill Pub & some kind of pear cider with seemingly no alcohol content whatsoever. You would choose this! ..and not drink it either hahahaha
Nighttime birthday festivities--@Honda-Ya in Little Tokyo. More sushi for me = definite plus. Sank you Lillian for the good choice in restaurant tahaha
All the above pictures (+more yakitori not pictured) were menu items Jeff & I ordered for ourselves.... And yes, we would order more than what half the table did combined. Right before clubbing. But good thing we already have each other & won't scare each other away with our food babies
Wasn't originally gonna post this..but bf looks too cute not to. I would go & kill a perfectly good picture!
With my newly-adopted brother & sister + bf @ Exchange LA. VIP Lillian ended up getting us a table + bottle service fo freee. Special thanks to Shirley Hsu
Oh, and I forgot to add in the stop we all made at Beard Papa's during our down-time before the club. Once again, so glad we have each other.
Saturday morning--Shy and worried Coco on the way to Lillian's puppy party for Marley's 1st birthday. It's almost as if he knew he'd be thrown into a crowd of excited, hyper puppies... He did surprisingly well, however. The only puppy he bullied was Ninja, a 6-month old German Shepherd--approximately 5x his size
Spontaneous Sunday brunch with Jenny & Brian at Old Vine Cafe in The Camp. Super cute little cafe tucked behind the giant Native Foods that I never knew existed. Pictured: mimosa, porcini? macaroni & cheese, + open-face. Prettiest presentation ever?!
AND... right outside...MY FAVORITE! I have an inexplicable love for hammocks. I do have a history of running and jumping into them & thus flipping us over, but I refrained myself from doing so today because this hammock was situated over a cement/rock bed. Had lots of fun on it nonetheless & ummmmmm can we please get one in the near future? (hi boyfriend)
Pitstop at Mitsuwa for yummy Japanese snacks & headed over to the pool! Definitely had to take advantage of the amazing 80 degree-ish weather we had today. +more sushi, of course.
Concluded the weekend with Jerry's homemade garlic-infused steak, salmon, toast & corn. The garlic-infused refers to all the aforementioned--garlic on EVERYTHING! But I couldn't imagine it any other way. Yummy Sunday dinner with bf, Jerry, the bro & sis + Susan
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